Friday, February 6, 2015

Doctor Update/Progesterone Shot #1

This morning we had our final appointment before transfer. I had my blood drawn and an ultrasound. It was a fast appointment but of course we had some questions about my injection. I wanted to make sure there wasn't a certain time frame I needed to do the shot in. I'm trying to juggle my schedule and Laurie's schedule. He told me there wasn't any specific time I needed to do the shot but it must be done at the same time every night. The best time that works for both Laurie and I is 8pm. Since we had to agree on a time that is late at night the doctor decided to have me start the injections tonight. We were going to start on Saturday but my transfer is schedule for the morning time. He wanted me to have five full days of progesterone before my transfer; therefore, I had to start injections tonight. As we were leaving the doctors office I told Mikie that I found a green shirt that I was going to buy for the both of us to wear on the day of the transfer for good luck. He told me he wanted me to eat pineapple the night before and he was taking me for McDonalds french fries after the transfer. I laughed and said "You've been doing your research, huh?" He smiled and said "Yes" I thought to myself how cute it was that he had been on google about good luck ideas for IVF. If you research good luck for IVF they will say the following:

1.) Wear green on the day of the transfer.
2.) Eat pineapple the day before the transfer.
3.) Wear good "luck" socks. You have to wear socks in the operating room for the transfer so pick out some cute ones.
4.) Eat McDonald's french fries after the transfer.

I have no idea why they say to do those things but we never did them in the we are going to do it this time. Since our baby's due date will be near Halloween I'm thinking about wearing some Halloween socks. :) Some ladies talked about wearing Christmas socks because their baby's due date would be around Christmas. I absolutely cant stand pineapple but I'm going to suffer through it and eat some. I went to the store tonight and bought Mikie and I matching Green T-shirts. It says Good Luck Shirt. All the stores have out the St. Patrick's shirts so it was perfect timing. Last night I went with a couple of coworkers to get pedicure/nails done. I got a pedicure recently so I just let my nail lady massage my feet. I decided to do my nails again. I never do my finger nails because I rather get pedicures and I'm too cheap to have to keep up with nails. In the past before transfers I always paint them blue and pink. I couldn't go into this transfer without my tradition.  I'm getting so excited about the transfer. I found a quote today about worrying and how it doesn't change anything and steals away your joy. Throughout the day when I start to feel worried I've been reminding myself about that quote. I cant worry about the transfer....I'm leaving it in God's hands.

My blood work came back good and they sent me my instructions for the next two weeks. I start 2cc progesterone tonight and take it every night at the same time. The day before the transfer I start on a zpack to make sure I don't have any infection. The morning before we go to the transfer I start Heparin injection. I have to take the Heparin injection in the morning and at night along with progesterone injection. I'm a little nervous about that injection. I have to do the injection below the belly button. The doctor told me that I will bruise but it is all normal. I do all of this until the pregnancy test result day. I'm currently scheduled for February 26th but I asked the doctor if I could move it up to Mikies birthday on the 24th. He said it wasn't too early and I could do that. I haven't changed the appointment and told Mikie we could decide later. He is okay with taking it on his birthday so I guess we will see. We will find out the results around Mikie's birthday and the due date will be around my birthday. I'm praying that this year we both have the GREATEST birthday's ever! ;)

Well tonight was Progesterone Shot #1!!!!!! I picked up my niece tonight to come stay the weekend. I was on the phone with Mikie talking about the shot. When I got off the phone we had the following conversation:

Audrina: "Auntie do you have to take a shot tonight"
Me: "Yes. Are you going to hold my hand for me?"
Audrina: "Yes I will hold your hand. Are you doing the shot in the tummy?"
Me: "No I have to do this shot in my butt"
Audrina: "Ewwwwwww"

I love this little girl to death.The rest of the way home she talked about my shot.

Laurie came over to do the shot and Audrina got on the bed to hold my hand. Laurie watched youtube videos on how to do intramuscular injections. I think the last time we did a few of them too low and I was really sore. She learned alot today and was prepared to give me the injection. I was really nervous when I laid down on the bed. She took the alcohol wipe and started cleaning the area. When she touched me with the alcohol wipe, I jumped. LOL. We all started laughing. Audrina was right next to me holding my hand. The injection didnt hurt at all. It burned a little bit because of the alcohol. Once she got done, she began to massage the area for me. Audrina looked at Mikie and said "Mikie you kiss her bobo." HA! We laughed so hard.

Well....Shot #1 is DONE!!! The count down begins. I'm so excited about this month. We have so much going on. Transfer, Mikie's Birthday, Result Day, and I'm cohosting my best friends baby shower. I couldnt be more blessed right now. All we can do is pray and ask God to answer our prayers. Thank you again for all of your support. It means the world to Mikie and I.

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