Friday, December 26, 2014

Baseline Appointment and Teaching Visit

Today we had our baseline appointment and teaching visit. The baseline appointment is to check to see if my hormone levels are good and my body is ready to start injections. I walked into my appointment nervous because I had to get my blood drawn. Its been a long time since I've gotten my blood taken. I was getting use to it but it's been since October. It did hurt a little bit today but I think it's because I was so nervous. After my blood work I went into the room to get my ultrasound to check my follicles. My lining looked good and my follicles were all about the same size (which is really good). I have about 20 that I could possibly grow. I was very excited to hear that news. After the ultrasound we started talking to the doctor about the next round. We talked about how we discussed last time about transferring three embryos. The doctor explained that we were going to do that if we were going to use our fair embryos we had left but now that we are going to grow new ones then we may only want to transfer two. He explained that if we transfer three top quality embryos there is a high chance that they will all take and it could be too much on my body. He said if any of them split and we ended up with more then he would recommend us to terminate one because I'm too young and my body wouldn't be able to handle that many. He said he didn't believe in abortion but he would only recommend that because he would be looking out for my health and the babies health. For every baby you add then there is a two week early birth. So for one baby you would carry to 40 weeks...with twins you would most likely carry only to 38 weeks...with triplets you would only carry to 36 weeks..etc. After talking to him, Mikie and I decided we couldn't make that choice to terminate and it isn't healthy for me. We will only transfer two and if we get pregnant with twins and one splits and we end up with triplets then that is fine. But I don't want to put us in a big risk by transferring three. Plus they said it doesn't increase your chances of getting pregnant anymore than just transferring two. So it looks like two it is. The doctor said we would discuss further once the egg retrieval is done and the chromosome testing is complete. He also explained about the blood thinner that I will be on before the transfer and after the transfer. He said there is research that shows how it helps with the lining. We will do this shot in the stomach before the transfer and after the transfer. He explained how he is going to do everything he can to help us have our miracle baby. He said that him and Vanessa (our favorite nurse) think about us all the time.

Here I am in the room waiting on the doctor for my ultrasound.

After talking with the doctor we met with my favorite nurse for the teaching visit. She showed Mikie how to mix all four bottles. We found out that we are on two different medicines but it still only involves one needle. Yay!!! She also had some extra medicine for us. We love that nurse so much. She has been so good to us and is always so excited to see us. We are so blessed to have her as our nurse.

After my appointment, I went to spend the afternoon with by best friend Kristina. She is 7 months pregnant and I'm so ready for her to have my nephew. Even after all that I've been through, I've been so happy for her since the day I found out she was pregnant. I actually cried when she told me. If my second transfer would have worked then we would have been a week apart. Its only broken my heart that I was so excited for us to be so close in due dates but I'm so excited for her still. I haven't been bitter or jealous. I know that our babies will still be close no matter what. She has been so supportive during my journey. I'm so lucky to have her by my side through all of this.  While shopping with her today, I received a text to check my portal site this afternoon and my blood work came back good. We get to start our injections on Tuesday! I'm so excited and cant believe how fast things are moving. We will do our egg retrieval around Jan 11th and transfer is going to be in February. If all goes well then we will have an October baby. I'm so excited!!

My hubby and I enjoyed our Christmas functions with family and friends. Although all we wanted for Christmas was a little miracle baby we stayed positive and enjoyed Christmas. I told Mikie on the way to one of our get together that this time next year we may have a little one. It is so exciting to think that. I love seeing how he is with our niece and nephew. He is so good with kids and it melts my heart. He will be such an amazing father.

I cant wait to post our update from the first injection. Baby Fisher is in the making starting December 30th!!

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