Tuesday was my acupuncture appointment..finally. Last week I had to cancel my appointment because I was too busy at work with meetings and audit stuff. I told Mikie last weekend I could tell a difference in my stress levels from missing one appointment. I can't believe I actually made that statement. I never imagined missing anything that involves needles. HA! Since I've started acupuncture I can tell a big difference in my stress levels. I still stress out about a few things but I don't let the stress take over me. I was excited to see Chris and tell him all about my embryo results. He was so excited to hear the great numbers and to hear about my transfer date. He made all the notes in my account and I asked him a few additional questions. I read a lot about IVF and I asked him his personal opinion on some questions. I received the best response "Victoria I see a lot of patients from different clinics and your clinic has the best/highest success rates. I would do whatever Dr. Kim suggest." I felt so relieved after hearing him say that. I love hearing great reviews about my clinic. I know that we haven't been successful yet but I don't blame my clinic or doctor. Its frustrating and you want to blame them but I know its not their fault. I'm doing everything I can different this time to help make things work. Chris asked me if I was excited. I said "I'm excited, scared, and nervous. I don't want to be a Debbie downer but I don't want to get my hopes up. I'm keeping my emotions as level as possible." He said "It is the best to keep your emotions level. I really have a lot of faith that its going to work this time." I agreed with his statement. I have a ton of faith that this will be our time. He stuck in all the needles in and left the room. I immediately fell asleep...it was the best cat nap ever. After the session was done I went to speak with receptionist to make more appointments. Chris wants to see me 24 hours before transfer and 4-5 days after the transfer. I cant believe we are only two weeks away from transfer! :)
My mind has been running 90 to nothing all last week and this weekend. My husband is owner/ partners for three businesses and we had to work on taxes to get all the 1099's ready to send out. I'm a finance lady but I absolutely hate taxes. Ever since last week I've had trouble falling asleep. I'm completely exhausted during the day but I cannot unwind at night to fall asleep. I've been extremely exhausted...plus I never slow down. I'm either working, cleaning, shopping, or hanging out with family and friends. I've never been the type of person who can lay around on the couch and just relax...I wish I could but I've never been like that. I started my medication on Saturday and I know that has a toll on my tiredness.
Today we had our weekly check up to see how my lining is doing. When you do a frozen embryo transfer you have to take medicine to build up your uterus lining. It gives the embryo a place to attach. I got my blood work done and then went into the room for the ultrasound. Dr. Kim came in and was so happy when he saw my lining. He said it looked great. I've never had any problems with my lining. We began talking about everything. He said I'm still on schedule for February 12th!! Woo hoo!! The one thing I've learned with IVF is never get your mind set on a date because it can change. Well today we confirmed that date and I'm so excited. He wanted to make sure that date worked for us. He is scheduled to do all his procedures on Thursdays but was willing to do any day of the week if we wanted a different day. He is doing anything and everything possible to make us feel at ease. I'm telling you he is more than a doctor to us. He will forever be apart of our lives. One thing we discussed today was the bedrest situation. I wanted to know the research behind it, etc. He told me all clinics are different. Their procedure is bedrest for 3 days. I asked him if I had to lay down flat the whole time. I swear the last three times killed me. I hate being lazy and I hate lying down all day....plus it hurts my back. He told me I could get up and get a drink or walk a little bit but no house chores. They don't want your blood pressure going up, your heart rate going up, or your body sweating. We talked about how I lay in bed and work on my lap top for work. He said absolutely not during those three days. I didn't realize that your lap puts off some radiation or whatever it's called and that it's not healthy to put the lap top on your body. He said you really need to use a lap top pillow if you lay in bed. After all the serious talk we began talking about vacations. Mikie wanted to take me on a small little vacation before the transfer. I told him that I just wasn't up for it. Dr. Kim and him began talking about places, drinks, etc. He started teasing Mikie about some stuff and we all started laughing. I told Mikie they enjoy picking on him and he said they can pick all they want as long as they help us get pregnant. Lol. We always leave the doctor laughing and joking. We've really learned how to enjoy the ride down our journey and to be positive.
One thing I've noticed is how many women who come to appointments alone. I'm so blessed that my husband works for himself and can take the time to go to all my appointments. I'm also so blessed to have such an amazing man who wants to be right by my side through it all. He never wants me to have to do anything by myself during this journey. He is truly the best teammate ever. I know I've said it before but I really couldn't imagine this journey with anyone else. He is my number one supporter, my rock, my soul mate, and partner in crime. I'm spoiled rotten with his love and attention. I can't wait to watch him be a father.
Tomorrow I'm going with my best friend to her 4d ultrasound. I'm so excited to see my nephew on that screen. Its going to be an amazing/emotional morning. She has already told me to be prepared to see her cry and I told her me too. All of these hormones have me emotional over the smallest things. Anything sad on tv, a dead animal on the side of the road, etc. People are shocked when they hear me talk about friends who are pregnant. I can honestly say that it doesn't bother me. I don't have a problem hearing about people getting pregnant. I see it all the time on facebook. I'm happy for those who can reproduce so easily. I know in my heart that my day will come. I feel like we all are chosen to go through battles for a reason. For us, I feel like this is our road because we needed a lesson in life on how to appreciate our kids. We both work long hours and sometimes we choose our jobs over things we shouldn't. I believe that after this journey we will have a different out look. Mikie tells me all the time the things he is going to different when we have our miracle baby. It really opens your eyes about family and how important family is. A job is important to pay bills and make a living but family should always come first.
Earlier this week I found out that my friends IVF procedure didn't work. The pregnancy test was a negative. I was sad all day long and I would find myself tearing up. I knew the pain she was feeling way too well. I felt like I was reliving the past again. It really got me worried about our transfer. I thought to myself "I don't know if I'm ready for this. I don't know if I can handle this emotionally." Then something snapped in me and I thought "I've come way too far to give up. I'm leaning on faith more now than I ever have and I will be okay." Don't get me wrong I'm scared, nervous, and excited. But I know whatever the outcome, God has a plan and his plan is bigger and better than any I've imagined. I'm so happy to say that my friend isn't giving up. She is going to try again. I pray that her time is right around the corner.
Well we are 13 days away from transfer!!! I go back to the doctor next Friday. I will find out then what day I start the progesterone injections. Ahhh.. its getting closer to needle time again. Lol. I will start progesterone injections 6 or 7 days before transfer. I will start the blood thinner injections the day of transfer. It will be here before we know it. Please keep us in your prayers and keep your fingers crossed for us.
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