Wednesday, January 7, 2015

IVF Shot #9 and Doctor Appointment

We had our doctors appointment this morning. I had my blood drawn and an ultrasound. Today my doctor was not there so the nurse did the ultrasound. She was so impressed with my progress. She said "You are moving so fast and your body is reacting so well to the medication." I said "I know Dr. Kim said the same thing and I told him that you all tell me this every time. I just hope my body reacts well to the transfer." She told me that she had high hopes that it was going to work this time. I remembered to take pictures this time of the ultrasound. I pulled out my phone to take pictures previously but I got distracted by talking to the doctor and forgot. My eggs were HUGE!!!! She told me "Tonight might be the last night you are on your two injections. You will probably come back tomorrow for another check up and will do trigger shot tomorrow night." I said "If I come back tomorrow then do I have to get my blood drawn again." She laughed and said "Yes, silly." Ugh.....I have no blood left for them to take. I'm so over needles this week. LOL! I was nervous again this morning getting my blood drawn. I asked Ayanna "Do you have to take blood from my left arm?" She said "No I can take blood from your right arm and I will move up where its not in the same spot" I was so excited. She laughed and said "Girlfriend you need to get back in the routine of this." I laughed back at her and said "I know." I was doing so well with the blood work prior to my last failed IVF transfer. I went over a month with no needles and my fear came back...well to tell you the truth my fear never went away. Even after all the needles I've had to deal with this week...I'm still scared of them. HA!

Here is a picture of my eggs. The black circles are my eggs. They are big and there are a lot of them!!!

After my appointment, I received the results of my blood. My estrogen level last Friday on Jan 2nd was 918 and today it was 2310. Holy wonder I'm an emotional wreck, my boobs are sensitive, my skin is sensitive, etc. They informed me that I need to come in tomorrow for another appointment. YAY!!!! It must be a good sign. I hope they tell me that I can take my trigger shot tomorrow night and egg retrieval on Saturday. We cant wait to see how many eggs we end up with. :) It's really hard to count exactly how many eggs you have during an ultrasound.

I know that I've explained the pain of bloating, sore boobs, the fear of needles, etc. I'm sure some of you that have experienced pregnancy probably are thinking "She has no idea what she is going to experience being pregnant. If she thinks that is bad, she will be in for a rude awakening." Please never say that statement to a fertility struggler. Luckily, I haven't had anyone say that to me but I have read other blogs where they were upset because someone told them that. I know fertility strugglers have no idea the pain a pregnant person does go through but a pregnant person doesn't understand the pain a struggler goes through. It isn't fun getting poked a million times, paying a fortune for the hopes of it working only to find out that it didn't work. Yes you have to go through bloating, needles, etc being pregnant but its not the same. You wont ever understand fully the pain or journey of fertility problems until you walk in those shoes. It is easy to give advice but always think before you give your advice. I've been fortunate enough to have such awesome supporters that I haven't had to witness much of that. I also try to take the positive out of everything. I have my down days where I'm just ready to toss in the towel but overall I stay pretty positive.

Well tonight was hopefully my last night of having to take Menopur!! I'm telling you that injection burns so bad. I want to scream at the top of my lungs when Laurie does that injection. I hate that medication. The other injection doesn't burn so we always save that one for the last one. I was sick to my stomach tonight because I was dreading the injections. My tummy is DONE with injections. It is sore, bruised, and ready for a break. Thank God for leggings and palazzo pants. They always come in handy during injection and bloating time.

Tomorrow we should find out the for sure when the egg retrieval will be! I'm almost positive that it will be on Saturday. We are anxious and can't wait!!! Thank you for all your prayers because they are working. Mikie and I appreciate all the support....keep the prayers coming and fingers crossed.

Come on Baby Fisher! :)

1 comment:

  1. We are trucking along! They told me my estrogen is almost 7000, so I feel you on the emotional stuff!! Hang in there!! 🙏🙏
