Friday, January 2, 2015

Doctor Appointment & IVF Shot #4

We had an appointment this morning to check the progress of my follicles. I got my blood drawn and then we had an ultrasound. The last appointment you could barely see the follicles but today they were much bigger. The doctor was very impressed and said "Your body always reacts so well to the medication." I said "Yes it does but for some reason it doesn't to the transfers" He said, "I know, hang in there" I'm really staying positive this time but my statement was true. I always go in and they tell me how well my body does to the medication, how perfect my lining is, how I'm textbook material, etc but then my transfers don't work. IVF is so hard to go through when things don't work out because there is so much unknown science that you don't get your answers. Its not the doctors fault and I know my doctor wishes he had the answer. I know there is a reason why they didn't work and like I said in the past. Only God knows why and we will leave it at that. I did ask the doctor today what I could take for constipation. I wasn't sure if any medicine was off limits but I need some relief. I know that is TMI but for those of you going through it be prepared to be constipated. I feel so bloated from these eggs growing. I feel like I have two huge water balloons in my tummy. For those of you who haven't experienced this and are going to...just imagine period bloating times 100. It isn't painful yet but just uncomfortable. I'm definitely wearing only yoga pants and leggings.

 A few hours after the appointment  I received a phone call from my favorite nurse. She told me that my estrogen level was already at 900 and the doctor was very happy with my levels. She said that I could decrease my bravelle to 75 units and I start Cetrotride tomorrow. Cetrotride makes you stop ovulating. Tomorrow starts two injections...Ahhh. I'm so excited about all the good news we received. We will have another doctors appointment on Monday.

Well tonight I was worried how bad the injection was going to burn since we decreased the Bravelle. It burned alot...I started saying it's burning it's burning it's burning. Mikie started pinching my leg harder to help get my mind off it. Only 7 more days or so of shots. I'm ready for the egg retrieval to see how many embryos we get but my poor hubby isn't ready to give his sample. He said you do the walk of shame I do know that this egg factory is exhausted. I've been sleeping in longer and took a nap today. Its very unusual for me to be lazy. Im usually up at 630 am on weekends and I NEVER take naps. I never sit still long enough too.  I swear I have ADD but all this process will wear you out.
Well we are only one week away from our egg retrieval!!! Everything is moving right along.

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