Friday morning I woke up in a lot of pain. I knew there was no way I could make it to work. I sent my boss an email and asked if I could work from home. He said that was no problem and he would be praying for me this weekend. I'm telling you, I have the best boss in the world. He understands everything I'm going through and prays for me. I felt horrible on Friday. I was so bloated that I knew I couldn't fit in anything but yoga pants. My ovaries felt like that had been sharpen into a point and anytime I moved or walked it was stabbing me. I was so ready for Saturday.
Saturday morning was egg retrieval. We had to check in at 615am and it takes an hour to get to the surgical center. Mikie woke up at 4am to get ready and I literally woke up 10 minutes before we left. I couldn't wear makeup or anything so I didn't have to get up early. I was a nervous wreck the whole way there. Mikie kept asking me if I was okay and I wasn't saying much. I fell asleep and slept until we got there. We checked in and went to waiting room to wait. We were the only people in the waiting room and literally the only people in the building besides the workers. We waited for about 5 minutes and then the nurse called us back. I kept my cool but deep inside I was freaking out thinking about the IV. She had paper work for me to sign and initial. Mikie had paper work to fill out too since he had to give a sample. Once I was done with the paper work she gave me the gown, sock covers, and hair net to put on. I changed and she was back in no time. She got ready to do the IV and Mikie was sitting in the other chair filling out paperwork. He normally comes and pinches my leg when they do the IV to keep my mind off it but he had to complete the forms. I was so proud of myself because I had no tears and I did the IV without Mikie pinching my leg. I thought to myself Wow I have come a LONG way. Mikie was so proud of me. Once we met with the anesthesia doctor and our doctor it was time for Egg Retrieval!! I was so ready to get those eggs out. The operating nurse came to get me to go to surgery and she sent Mikie to do his sample.
I walked into the operating room and it was freezing. They untied my gown in the back, had me lay down, and started to strap my legs in the stirrups. The stirrups look like the the air walk boots people use when they've hurt their ankle. They strap your legs down so that when you go to sleep your legs don't fall. The anesthesia doctor speaks and moves really fast. It was like she was in a rush but really it was just her personality. I laid on that table and she started putting stickers on me, shoving oxygen mask on my face (which not all of them do the mask first some doctors wait until your asleep before doing that) and started to give me the medicine in my IV. I'm so claustrophobic and when she put the mask on me I started to freak out and gag. My fertility Doctor came to my side and calmed me down. He stood there until I went to sleep. It was like he was filling in for Mikie. It meant so much to me. Most doctors are just in a rush to do what they need to do but he takes his doctor care to another level. He truly cares for his patients. When she started to give me the medicine, I could feel myself trying to fight it. It was the craziest thing ever.
Surgery didn't last but about 20 minutes and I woke up in recovery. When I woke up Mikie was right by my side. I started bawling when I woke up. I think because I was in a panic right before I went to sleep. They say you get anesthesia blues sometimes. Once I fully woke up, Dr. Kim came to let us know that they retrieved 16 eggs. I was so happy with the results. The first time we retrieved 20 eggs but to me 16 is just as good.
When we left the hospital, we went to breakfast with my sister and mom. They both come to every procedure we have. My mom isn't a morning person but she does anything for her baby girl! ;) I love them both so much. They both have been very big supporters.
After breakfast, Mikie and I had a lot to do for a surprise party we were hosting for Laurie. I didn't plan on having my egg retrieval on Saturday when we planned her party two months ago but we pushed through and got it done. Laurie turned 50 last week and we couldn't let it go by without having a big celebration. Plus she does so much for us and has done so much for us in our journey. We put together a surprise party with my sister in law and brother in law. We had a great turn out and she was in total shock. I was in more pain this egg retrieval than the last retrieval but I survived the night.
Today I'm being lazy and relaxing hoping that all the bloating and pain will go away. The doctor gave me pain medication but I don't do well with pain medicine. This morning we received a phone call to say that out of the 16 eggs we had retrieved that 13 took to fertilization!!!!! I'm so happy with our results. Now those 13 embryos are being watched for the next five days. On Friday we will find out how many survived the 5 days and are being sent off for genetic testing. Keep the prayers coming for our 13 babies we currently have. We cant wait til Friday to find out how many survived and then we will be waiting for the chromosome testing results.
The journey is a long one but each step along the way has something for you to look forward to. You start shots and you can't wait to see how big the eggs are, then you can't wait till egg retrieval, then you can't wait for your embryo results...etc. Yes the main goal is the transfer and getting pregnant but you have baby steps to get there. It goes by fast and before you know will be transfer day. I do have to say that I'm ready for February. We will find out pregnancy results around Mikies birthday. We are praying for the best birthday ever!
Thank you again for all the support and prayers. I've had so many people contact me about my blog. People I know and strangers have expressed how much they enjoy reading my blog. I'm so happy to share our story and to make you all feel like you are apart of the journey.....because you all are. We hope we are giving another fertility couple the extra strength to push on and for them to know that they are not alone. Don't lose faith and remember that God has a plan for all of us. God's plan is bigger and better than anything we've ever imagined.
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