Well last week on Thursday I went in for another hysteroscopy. The doctor wanted to do this procedure to double check my lining. He wanted to make sure there was no damage from the miscarriage. We found out that everything was fine and he didn't find anything. I was happy but bummed at the same time. I'm so happy that I'm healthy but I was really hoping for answers to why the last two transfers haven't worked. I stayed positive and told myself "I'm healthy" and that is all that matters. God knows why it hasn't worked and I will leave it at that.
Yesterday I called the doctors office to see what my next step is. The nurse told me to start back on birth control to regulate my lining and hormones. I go in on December 26th to do blood, ultra sound, and teaching visit to start on my medications. If all my test come back normal on the 26th then I will start my shots on December 30th. I'm so excited but nervous too. She said if I start shots on December 30th then my tentative egg retrieval will be around Jan 11th. Holy cow!!! Time is flying by. I will be ready for my next transfer is no time! :) For my next transfer one of the things the doctor wants to do different is transfer 3 instead of 2. Everyone's reaction has been funny such as "You keep one, I'll keep one, and one can go to the other grandparents house" but then some have been so serious. "Are you sure you want to transfer 3" "How are you going to handle 3 kids at once" My answer to them is if anyone knows best...its the doctor. If he thought there was a 90% chance of all three embryos taking then he would not let me transfer 3. Yes there is a slight chance that they all could take but since we haven't had any luck with transferring 2 he wants to do 3 this time. If he told me to transfer 10...at this point I would...I would do anything just to get my miracle baby. I informed the nurse (whom I've become very close to) that depending on our embryo outcome that Mikie and I would like her to pick the gender of the third embryo. Each time we have transferred a girl and a boy. I do not want to make the decision on just having a girl or just having a boy. If we end up with all girl embryos or all boy embryos then that is different. If we end up with a mixture then I want to put one of each and then the nurse can pick the third. I don't want her to tell us what she picked until we find out if we get pregnant. She was shocked and excited that we are going to allow her to be such a huge part of journey. If it wasn't for her support, smiles, and laughs at each appointment...this journey would probably have ended a long time ago. She always puts a smile on my face and is always so excited to see us. I'm more than happy to have her choose.
Shortly after my phone conversation with the nurse, I received a phone call from the compound pharmacy. They discussed what all medications were ordered and the cost. I almost dropped the phone when she told me how much. The first time we did this, I was on a study and the study covered most of my medications. However, this time we have to pay for all the medication. Also, this time I will be on an extra medication that I wasn't on before. I will have to do three injections instead of two! AHHH!!! LOL. I think I will survive though because I will just think "BABY,BABY,BABY".
Since some of the medications have to be refrigerated, they had to send the order UPS overnight. I went ahead and processed the order yesterday because I didn't want the holidays to mess up my shipment. If I waited until the last minute it would be delivered around Christmas and I know shipping can get hectic around that time. My medications arrived this morning and I had it delivered to Mikie's dad's house. We live in the country and I didn't want them leaving it on my door step. Laurie called to tell me that medication arrived and asked me what medicine needed to refrigerated. I told her and I joked with her saying don't mess up anything you are messing with $XXXX.XX money there. She laughed out loud and said "I told Mike the same thing. I said don't you drop anything you are messing with $XXXX.XX." HA! (At least we have some humor in the Fisher Family about this journey). Laurie is also the one who gives me the shots. Mikie hates needles so bad that he cant even give our horses their shots. I'm not complaining though because I feel his pain and fear. He is right by my side when I do get the shots and that is all that matters to me. I asked Laurie if there was a lot of stuff and she said "Yes, I'm getting nervous now." She is always nervous in the beginning when it starts with new injections but she does a great job. We are so lucky to have her around to be our nurse. I will take a picture of the medication later to post on the blog.
It looks like in a few weeks we will be starting the new journey. I'm so excited and cannot wait....I mean I am nervous about getting poked in the tummy three times for 10 days but I can do it!! :) I'm excited to keep everyone posted and show you pictures. Every time I post something on here I think to myself how cool it is going to be for our little one to have this to read. He/She will see that they have been loved way before they were born.
Here is the pictures of the box, the inside of box, and then all the medication pulled out.
Girl we are on the same schedule nearly! Hang in there!