Third Transfer.........We scheduled it for October and we would find out the results on Halloween. This go around we decided to do the progesterone injections because my body didn't react very well to the vaginal inserts. I had to take a shot in the butt every day. I was so nervous about this shot because I had heard horrible rumors about it. The nurse who I've become very good friends with came out to my house to do the shot during the first weekend. It was so nice to have her support. During the week I left early from work to make it to the doctors office to get the shot. One day I was running late and didn't make it there in time before they closed. I was freaking out...what was I going to do...who was going to do my shot. I called my best friend Kristina and her mother came out to my house to give me my shot. I decided it would be less stress on me for her to come every day. She came every day and the weekends my step mother in law would do them. The shots turned out not to be as bad as I heard. It was pretty simple and easy. I remember my other friend coming out to the house and watched as I got the shot. She said "Wow, you have changed! You didn't even flinch." Yep this entire journey will do that to you. You get use to things that you have to do over and over again. It is amazing the strength you find when you are trying to accomplish something you really want. Here is a picture of my medications that I was on before and during transfer.
It was transfer day...I went into the transfer very relaxed and calm. I was ready this time and so was my husband. The doctor took extra time during this procedure and explained everything. It was a whole different experience than what we experienced with the last two transfers. Both embryos thawed out pretty well and the transfer went smooth. I was allowed to work two weeks from home again and tried to stay as calm and stress free as possible.
I continued the progesterone shots and was allowed to go in for my pregnancy test earlier than Halloween. I went Wednesday October 29th. We were so nervous because we didn't want our hopes up but we didn't want our hopes down. We tried to stay as level as possible. I went in for the blood work and then we spent the morning together again. At 10am we got the phone call....It was a NEGATIVE. I didn't even have tears to cry, I didn't have any emotion to show....I just didn't know what to do. My husband was devastated again. I just didn't understand at all. I text my family to let them know. My parents were over seas in Amsterdam and my sister was in Houston at her house.
The next day my sister came out to my house to take me to lunch and cheer me up. I finally broke down with her. I cried and cried and just told her that I was going to give up. I told her that I'm just not meant to be mom. She comforted me and told me all the right things to help cheer me back up and to reassure me that I am meant to be a mom....maybe just not right now. My sister has been such an amazing supporter. She has done anything and everything for me throughout this entire journey. She hasn't missed one surgery appointment, she has been at my house during all my emotional break downs, and does anything in the world to cheer me up. She is the greatest sister in the world...even though she can get on my nerves. :)
A few days after the bad news, the doctor called to talk to me. We discussed my different options and what he wanted to do different in the next round. I told him that Mikie and I talked and decided we wanted to start all over. We have four girl embryos left and they are not considered bad embryos but they are not the "BEST". We decided that we would grow new eggs and create new embryos. We got pregnant with the best and we want our fourth transfer to be with the best eggs. So now we are starting a whole new journey. During this new journey, I will take pictures and post more. I think it is so important to share our journey because it could encourage another couple not to give up hope. It's crazy to me to be so open on the internet with our life but I think it is so important. Fertility issues have always been so hush hush. There is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed of. Fertility issues are just like cancer or a sickness....its a condition that some couples have. We are lucky that God created scientist and Doctors who can help our dreams come true. We have our "eye on the prize" and will continue to do whatever it takes to get our little miracle. Soon enough we will have a little boy or girl that will be ours....until then we will continue to push through the hard times and continue down our journey.
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