Monday, April 6, 2015

New Page, New Chapter

Today began the new page of our new chapter!

Last Tuesday I left work early because I was not feeling well. I decided to leave early to go to the doctor before it got worse. I drove right to the urgent care in my town and got some medicine. I left the doctor and came home to go to bed. I woke up around 7pm and couldn't breathe. I sent a text to my step mother in law and asked her to come over. She called me and I barely could talk and it scared the crap out of her. Mikie was working late at the shop in Rosenberg and I was home alone. She and my father in law came over. When they got to my house, I began to wheeze and struggle to get air. She called 911 and the paramedics came out. I was able to get my inhaler and breathing machine to help me breathe. The paramedics stayed until my heart rate went back down and I refused treatment to go to the hospital. Can you imagine what that ambulance ride would have cost seeing how I live in the middle of no where. It scared the crap out of Mikie and he made it home in 10 minutes or less when it normally takes him 30 minutes or more to get home. He stayed with me the rest of the night and kept making sure I was breathing throughout the night. Sometimes I feel like I never catch a break. I've been really stressed with all the changes at work and I think it got my immune system down. I've also noticed that I've been losing a lot more hair lately and everyone keeps telling me its the stress. Some days I thank God for not letting me stay pregnant this last round. I've I had way too much go on in life with work, illness, and stress. I think it would have been a bad deal if I would have stayed pregnant.

Wednesday night, I received a phone call at 11pm. It was Ryan (Jade's husband) calling me to scream over the phone that Jade started her period. I was dead asleep and plus since I've been sick I sound like a man. LOL. I think I scared him when I answered the phone. He didn't know if that was my sleeping voice or sick voice. LOL. He apologized for waking me up but he said he couldn't wait until the morning to call me. The next day they were leaving out for their family vacation (Jade did mention that she would start on their water vacation LOL). Since they were leaving to go out of town and it was a holiday weekend, we had to schedule the appointment out until Monday. I called the donor nurse and made the appointment. She mentioned on the phone "I will let you know how the appointment goes with Jade" I said really fast "Oh no, I will be there. We are more on a friendship level than just a surrogate level." She said "Oh ok. That is really neat." I was thinking to myself, there is no way I'm missing anything this round. After all, this will be my child! :)

Let me back track a little, Jade went to her sister's surprise birthday party at the skating rink a week or so ago. She ended up falling and breaking her arm. She is now in a huge pink cast. :(

Last night I had a hard time falling asleep. I felt like I was going to my first day of school or something. I was so anxious and excited about todays appointment. I've been waiting what seems like forever for the day that Jade meets my AWESOME doctor. I've heard stories about the other doctors she has had to deal with in the past surrogacy routes and none of them seem as good as mine. I arrived to the doctors appointment a little early. I went out this past weekend and bought each nurse a little gift and even the receptionist. I was very excited to give them their gift and thank you card. Each of them have touched my life in a certain way. I thought they should know that and I wanted to give them a little something to show my thanks. I know it is hard to fill those shoes as a fertility nurse and even as a receptionist. You deal with emotional women who are strung out on fertility drugs (LOL), couples who are waiting for that day for their dreams to come true, and they all must be prepared for the worse. The receptionist always greets us with a huge smile that lights up the room. The nurses always have a smile on their face and deal with my OCD self with my million questions. Dr. Kim always takes his time with each appointment. He is never in a rush and would sit there 30 minutes answering questions if you continue to ask. I've never met a doctor who is so compassionate and one who cares as much as he does for his patients. I gave my doctor a thank you card and took the time to write a short little novel of how thankful I am for him. I wanted him to know that the days he feels defeated and unsuccessful to know that he has made a huge impact on my journey. We haven't reached our goal but I'm not giving up on him. After I handed out the gifts, Jade ended up arriving shortly later. I filled out all of her new paper work for her since she couldn't write with her hand that is in a cast. We turned in the paper work and one of my favorite nurses came out to introduce herself. She asked Jade "Oh my goodness, what happened to your arm? Jade responded with "I was saving a baby from a burning building." The nurse believed her and I busted out laughing. Jade then told her "No I  broke it in a fight." The nurse believed her again. I began to laugh again and Jade told her the truth. The nurse said "Yeah I would stick the first two stories" LOL After the introduction to the nurse and the short fib stories, we went to the back to get started. She gave a urine sample, got her blood drawn, and had an ultrasound. I was so happy that I didn't have to give blood this time. I did go over and snap a picture of her before she began to get blood drawn. I went back and talked to her a little bit while they were taking her blood. I couldn't believe that I actually watched. I couldn't watch for long because it made me sick. I don't even watch when they take blood from me. After the blood draw, we went into the room to get ready for the ultrasound. It was so weird not sitting on the table myself and getting the ultrasound. I told Jade that I was playing the role of Mikie. LOL. It is crazy to his side of the journey now that Jade is in my shoes. When we got into the room Jade said "You just thought you and Kristina were close. Me and you are about to get real close. You are about to see my insides." I was cracking up...this girl is CRAZY! She is so silly and was on her game today with jokes. Doctor Kim came in and introduced himself and did the ultrasound. Her lining looked great! (Which is a good sign) He didn't see anything abnormal. He was very pleased with the ultrasound. He prescribed her birth control that she starts tonight. We made an appointment for Friday for her to go back to get her lining checked. It is the only appointment that I wont be going to. Its an in office procedure and I think she would be more comfortable doing it alone without me all up in her business. LOL! But then the more I think about it the more I want to go. I may change my mind. Anyways, after the ultrasound we began to talk about medicine protocol. We went over what medicine she would be on. She was relieved to know that she wouldn't be on vaginal inserts. She told Dr Kim "I'm glad that I wont be on those coochy pills" I almost fell out of my chair. He said "No we do injections" She said "I'm so glad to hear that. I cant stand a leak vagina." I was laughing so hard. She was being so honest but she was cracking me up with her honesty. Dr. Kim laughed as well. Jade is very OCD about things and has been dying to have a calendar. We spoke to the nurse about the calendar. We decided that Friday she will do her in office procedure, next Friday the 17th we will do our therapy session, the following Monday April 20 we will do blood work and stop birth control, April 24th she will start medicine, and May 14 would be the transfer day. All those dates are not set in stone but if all goes as planned that is what we are looking at. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited. The awesome thing is that Jade is just as excited as me. She wants the transfer day to come sooner than I do. I thought I was anxious and impatient but she is way worse than me. HA! I feel good about that and Dr. Kim mentioned to me that it is good to have a Gestational Carrier who is OCD.

Well looks like things are moving right along. A week ago I posted a blog stating that next week is another week and little did I know that we would be where we are today. Contract has been finalized and just needs to be notarized. The lawyer sent the release to my doctor to proceed. The first check up and ultrasound is under our belt too. Jade has met the doctor and nurses. Next it is her in office procedure to check her lining, therapy, and then final check up before meds start. I know these next few weeks are going to fly by. I'm so thankful for my doctor, HFI Katy location women, my family, The Ohl family, and all of our supporters! We wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for everyones continued prayers and support. I appreciate all of you who have reached out to me. I know a few have said they feel like "creepers" on my facebook. Please send me a friend request, I've accepted more people this past few months than I ever imagined. Do not feel like a creeper. I appreciate all of you reaching out and sending your good luck wishes and kind thoughts. Its been a tough journey but I wouldn't change anything. I'm a better person today than I was when I started this journey. My day will soon come and I will have a little look a like calling me that three letter word "MOM" and Mikie will have a little daddy's girl calling him "DAD".

Jade getting ready to get her blood drawn!

Snuggles with my handsome little nephew, Hutch!

I'm so happy for my Dad. He has finally used his hard working money to purchase his corvette. He has worked so hard and is finally starting to do stuff and purchase things to use his hard working money. He purchased a 1986 corvette the year I was born. Now he has purchased a 2015 and I hope this is a good sign that he will have a grandchild soon. :)  

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