Thursday, February 20, 2014

~Hopefully some Answers~

Today we went to see a fertility specialist for some answers. We have been unsuccessful in conceiving a child for two years now. We went through several different test with my OBGYN and my husbands Urologist. My husband had a low motility and was put on medicine for three months. After three months, we were let down once again. We had no other options but to go see a fertility specialist.....the specialist we put off and put off. I scheduled the appointment for a Tuesday afternoon. I knew going into the appointment that we were going to need "help" to get pregnant. I researched online IUI and IVF. I had my mind set on IUI....I didn't want to have to go through the long journey of IVF. We were both stressed going into the doctor appointment. I filled out all the new patient forms and left them on my desk at work. I had to have them scanned over to me and have my husband print them before leaving home to meet me at the doctor. You talk about stress levels extremely high. We both knew going into this that we were going to get answers we needed and they weren't going to be the answers we wanted. We met with our doctor and he went over all of our previous test results. He concluded that my husband's morphology was low and this was the reason we were not successful. I'm thinking "morphology"....why has no other doctor told us this. The whole time we thought it was his swimmers when all along it was the morphology. He said we only had two options IUI or IVF. This was the drumroll on percentages for different ways:

1.) 1-3% chance-For my husband and I to get pregnant on our own.
2.) 3-7% chance- For us to get pregnant with my husband and I on fertility medication.
3.) 15-20% chance- to get pregnant doing IUI
4.) 70-75% chance- to get pregnant doing IVF

At that moment, I was in shock....I could see the doctors mouth move but I couldn't hear anything he was saying. He said that he would select the IVF because it had a greater chance of being successful. He continued to go over some more details but I couldn't comprehend anything else. After meeting with the doctor, we met with the financial lady to go over cost of each procedure. WOW!!! Talk about expensive. We left the doctor in poor spirits. We got the answers we had been wanting but the answers weren't exactly what we wanted to hear. We had a lot to discuss as a couple.

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